

When destruction prevailed, “Nihangs”, an armed Sikh order, offered their lives to protect the rights of the common man in the North West state of Punjab (India). Today it remains a ceremonial  order within the Sikh community but during the period 1699-1849 AD, they were the first line of martial defense.


Every year, during the annual celebration of Hola Mohalla, the Nihangs adorning ceremonial weapons come together at Anandpur Sahib in Punjab. Most take pride in their large size turbans, which can take 2-3 hours to tie.


In this series, I have tried to create a feeling of the bygone era by showing it in Black &  White.


Nihang in Anandpur Sahib

Photo : A chakravarti (always on the move) Nihang at Anandpur Sahib


Nihang in Anandpur SahibPhoto : A Nihang meditates at Anandpur Sahib.


Nihang in Anandpur Sahib

Photo : A Nihang at Anandpur Sahib.


Nihang in Anandpur SahibPhoto : A Nihang at Anandpur Sahib.


  1. Reply
    khushboo says:

    love black and white images..they say so much more about the person you clicked

  2. Reply
    Emmanuel says:

    The playfulness in the eyes of the first person echoes yours!

  3. Reply
    Aman Singh Chadha says:

    Dear Amardeep,

    Would you, by any chance, be exhibiting/selling these pictures. The second one in particular, is a picture I would like to look at more than just once. Any chance I could purchase it and get a blow up printed for my home?


  4. Reply
    Ajay Tripathi says:

    A unique art of turbans of charismatic warriors beautifully captured. The last photo of a Nihang at Anandpur Sahib reminds me of the visit I made in year 2007. This photo is great as to have captured the natural but mystic expression of this man.

  5. Reply
    stephanie sheppard says:

    Just amazing photos Amardeep. Wonderful
    Sat Nam,

  6. Reply
    kishore kumar biswas says:

    Glimpses of a tradition that speaks of bravery and benevolence of human race . A great religion Sikhism ignited that flame within the followers .
    Through these poetic snaps Amardeep Singh ji brings back the glory of a heroic tradition.
    Regards .

  7. Reply
    Uma Srinivasan says:

    The pictures breathe… I think you can understand what I am getting at.

  8. Reply
    M S GiriDhar says:

    Brilliant. Only a person who has respect for a bygone era and an age can feel and capture it on a film. Amardeep Singh is an amazing person and his Docuseries will go down in the annals of Sikh history as a brilliant piece that captures the essence of Sikhism.

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