So often we come across people who seem to be living a life of ‘nothing’. Observing them, I have often wondered, if they are the victims of destiny or circumstances? Is their existence reeling under the drama of ’cause and effect’, the law of karma – ‘As one sows, so shall one reap’? When the entire creation seems to have a purpose then why are their lives afflicted without a design?
Recently, I revisited Samuel Beckett’s famous play, ‘Waiting for Godot’ which is centered around the concepts of the sufferings of life that we all encounter as beggars in our own right; our futile attempts to pass time; and our incessant wait for Godot which could be interpreted as……….(your guess!).
The looks of ‘nothingness’ on the faces of these people is a reminder that in our own ways we all are ‘Waiting for Godot’!
Mohindra Chadha says:
December 11, 2013 at 8:26 AMDear Amardeep,
You have hit the nail on the head when you say it is CHANCE!
This is from someone like me who does not believe in Destiny. Life is a queer mix of chances and events that follow.Was it destiny that I came to know you and got fond of you or a sheer chance?
However, faith and belief in destiny is very important for the life of most mortals. Perhaps there would be much more chaos without these attributes.
Harawant Singh says:
December 11, 2013 at 10:51 AMFirstly on the photography. Your focus on the faces sharpen with the use of the monochrome pictures, especially the faces against the backgrounds. A very good choice.
The other item that caught my mind, is the features of the faces. They seem to come from a number of stocks. Possible effects from the crossed silk roads or the historical conquests? Very interesting indeed.
Jasbir Chawla says:
December 12, 2013 at 9:28 PMये चेहरें खूंखार अपराधियों के नहीं हैं,हमारे आसपास ही हैं जिन पर हमारा ध्यान नहीं जाता. इन सबकी आँखें बहुत कुछ कहती हैं पर हम उन्हें अनसुना करते हैं.अक्सर इनकी दशा के लिये भाग्य/ईश्वर को जवाबदार मान लेते हैं.क्या सचमुच ऐसा है?