“Dhamma” – The path of righteousness
“Pada” – Steps
“Dhammapada” – to tread on the path of righteousness through steps aimed at training the mind.
The region of Yuanyang (China) offers a unique self-sustainable eco-system, humidity and rainfall, optimal for rice cultivation. Expanse of rice terraces created by generation of farmers, leaves one wondering of the effort in creating these mud dykes to hold water for rice plantation. Today’s generation is reaping benefits of the creation by their forefathers.
In photographing these stepped terraces, I was reminded of verse 35 of Dhammapada,the Buddhist spiritual scripture. In it is drawn a parallel between the characteristic of mind, which similar to water, always takes the path of least resistance. The verse motivates to tame the mind by building “dykes”.
The mind, hard to control,
Flighty – alighting where it wishes.
One does well to tame.
The disciplined mind brings happiness.
Dhammapada – Verse 35
Photo : Rice terraces at Yuanyang (China)
Photo : Rice terraces at Yuanyang (China)
Photo : Rice terraces at Yuanyang (China)
Photo : Rice terraces at Yuanyang (China)
Photo : Rice terraces at Yuanyang (China)
Photo : Rice terraces at Yuanyang (China)
Photo : Rice terraces at Yuanyang (China)
Photo : Rice terraces at Yuanyang (China)
Photo : Rice terraces at Yuanyang (China)
Photo : Rice terraces at Yuanyang (China)
Dhruv Jolly says:
March 13, 2014 at 2:37 PMBeautiful … If I may Add … 🙂
This way and that,
The wind, blowing where it will,
Drives the ship of the world.
But I am not shaken.
I am the unbounded deep
In whom the waves of all the worlds
Naturally rise and fall.
But I do not rise or fall.
I am the infinite deep
In whom all the worlds
Appear to rise.
Beyond all form,
Forever still.
Even so am I.
I am not in the world.
The world is not in me.
I am pure.
I am unbounded.
Free from attachment,
Free from desire, Still.
Even so am I.
O how wonderful!
I am awareness itself,
No less.
The world is a magic show!
But in me
There is nothing to embrace,
And nothing to turn away.
— Ashtavakra Gita —
adarsh says:
March 14, 2014 at 12:49 AMI’ve grown up seeing these all around n never really thought they could appear so glamorous, your photography, perspectives, lighting are indeed amazing, the thoughts associated along have made it all a complete package .
Stephanie Sheppard says:
March 14, 2014 at 9:03 AMAmardeep,
These are the most stunning and artistic photos I have ever seen from you. Absolutely stellar.My goodness, I wait with anticipation each week to see your beautiful work.
You are my inspiration.
Best and Sat Nam,
Karamjeet Singh says:
March 14, 2014 at 12:03 PMWow! its a utility art of the forefathers of Yuanyang bequeathed to the younger generation and the patterns vividly captured by your lens.Beautiful photo shoot.Congrats Amardeep!!!
Surupa Chatterjee says:
March 14, 2014 at 6:05 PMWhat an enchanting tapestry of nature woven in the hands of astute artists with such honesty…so much precision, mathematics and art all wonderfully harmonized together…much like your photography and the essence its carries…It carries so much beyond breathtaking visuals….Cheers….and expecting more from you….
kishore kumar biswas says:
August 7, 2016 at 11:05 PMTrue freedom means to earn freedom to ” control ” or ” discipline one’s impulses. Human intellect discovered this ‘ truth ‘ and expressed it in many ancient scriptures. Gradually human society turned too ‘ materialistic ‘ and forgot to keep the soul healthy and shining. In ancient time human society gave shape to this said truth in various sphere of daily life. The customs and habits of ancient life are example of it.
Here Amardeep Singh picked up the glimpses of such practice which flow till now . A treasured heritage of a great civilization.
Each and every post by Amardeep Singh brings to us new knowledge about human civilization thus illuminate our souls.
Regards to him.