Muzaffarabad (Pakistan) : In search of roots

Postman to my father, “Sunder Singh, this is a strange postcard and I believe it is for you.”   With a two line address that just read “Sunder Singh, Gorakhpur,” it could only be a divine intervention that the postcard sent from Rawalpindi (Pakistan), found it’s way to my father...

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Photo Art

Datti Kaur, our younger daughter, a 9th grade student is passionate about art. Getting bored at home yesterday, in response to a sudden creative bout, she selected a photo of a Nihang from my photography blog and has adapted it in her own creative water color art form. Here is...

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Datti makes us proud

Our younger daughter, Datti Kaur was assigned a challenging assignment by her Art teacher to transform a match box. We were impressed with what she finally created. A replica of Canon EOS 1100D digital camera. In the recent parent-teacher meet, her Art teacher summarized her art effort as “WOW”. Datti...

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Welcome back, Tarni!

Tarni, our daughter returns home tomorrow, having been away for a semester at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver. Last week she shared with us her personal reflections. As parents we see in these words an Eagle that is learning to majestically face the world, flying directly into the storm...

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My daughters – What they have taught me!

Children acquire many genetic traits from their parents but in my life, it seems to have worked the other way around.   My two daughters do have a strong creative bone, which is definitely passed to them from their mother. As I have watched them grow, subtly and sub-consciously this...

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Snowed in Turkey!

We were snowed in Turkey! With limited options to photograph in this weather, I turned to my daughters and created this series of them in snow. Click first photo below to view in large format and then scroll to access this series of  11 photos.

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