Walking the volcanic ash






“To the plateau they come and go – mountain climbers, pilgrims, discoverers, volcanologists, tourists, storytellers. They speak of broken heights and transformed terrains – of eruptions and calamities long, long time ago: an immense volcanic memory remembered only by some deathless stones. Once in a while, daybreak disrupts the facade of eternity.” words of Goenawan Muhamad


In the early hours, the local Tengger people traverse the volcanic ash of Mount Bromo caldera to set up snack shops as means of their meagre livelihood.


I walked the caldera, creating images of them walking the volcanic ash.


Click first photo below and scroll to view entire series in slide show.


  1. Reply
    Atamjot says:

    Both… Land and man… Stoical in their endurance and perseverance… Yet resigned to His true power…

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